[en] Watching Glee I learnt that in north America there are several kind of Clubs in high schools. When I talked with Mercedes, a few month back, I then asked her about the new clubs that are in her school. Surprisingly she named the LGBT(Q) club (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) or Gay-straight alliance … Continue reading
10 cose da fare per Natale a Toronto [en]
1 – prendere un vero albero di natale. Molti supermercati hanno un’area dove vendono piante. Alcuni possono accorciare l’albero secondo le vostre esigenze di spazio. Meglio andare in anticipo per evitare di rimanere a mani vuote! 2 – Ascoltare il coro della scuola di voci bianche della cattedrale di San Micheal. Puoi poi rimanere o … Continue reading
Lavorare a 16 anni : teenagers working [en]
[en] One thing that surprises, especially during summer, is to see kids working everywhere. Cafe ‘, retails, tourism, supermarkets, fairs, pr, etc. I spoke with a 16 years oldCanadian girl, who currently works part-time in a bakery close to home, to understand a little ‘more’ about this phenomenon. She says it’s quite common for teenagers … Continue reading
mangiare la Coda di Castoro! [en]
Vi avverto, questa e’ una maialata. Mi piacerebbe dilungarmi sulle paste Canadesi, che hanno una passione sfrenata per i dolci, ma questa invenzione le batte tutte. La Bever Tail. Che non e’ una vera coda di Castoro, ma ne ha la forma. Pastafrolla fritta (non tipo bombolone, molto piu’ fritta e solida) con sopra una … Continue reading
poche formalita’ nell’abbigliamento -easygoing style. [en]
[en] In Canada you do not follow the trends in mass. There’s no coat in vogue this particular winter, if anything it needs to protect you by the harsh contidions. There are many styles and trends, and elegance is not a must, even in most bars and restaurants. You might wakeup a Sunday morning in … Continue reading
le mele candite : Caramel Apples! [en]
[en] Who has not seen in movies of apples on a stick covered in frosting? But above all, who has tried them? Here you will find them quite frequently, especially in the chain of chocolate Rocky Mountains, where it can be found to suit all tastes and with many decorations. I have not yet attempted, … Continue reading
Fare la fila: line-up [en]
[en] Might sound weird, but I learned about the concept of “lining-up” only after a month I was in Canada.I was waiting the bus with a friend of mine, close to the metro station, and as other people arrive, they all stand on the curb. The bus came, so I head to the door of … Continue reading
Cosa significa essere Canadese : What does it mean to be Canadian? [en]
[en] With my friend Merchedes I addressed several matters. As for starter, her thoughts on what does means to be Canadian. I made a list: -Fortunate in having so much nature close to the city -Modern and rich Country -Diversity and general acceptance of different cultures -Being able to start suddenly a conversation with people … Continue reading
Getting ready for Halloween: Prepararsi per Halloween [en]
[en] Halloween is not only something about dressing up (not necessarily as some horror/fantasy kind of character) one night of the year, going trick or treating if you’re a kid, or going to mark parties as an adult, but it’s also about hosting these kids and parties! Many seasonal stores, or also used cloth/dollar stores … Continue reading
gli zombie in citta’: Zombie walk [en]
[en] if you happen to be in Toronto around the 20 of October, every year you might cross a horde of zombies in the street! Better: you might be a zombie as well and join this crowd right downtown, under the light of day! It’s all real, and also well organized, zombies have a website … Continue reading