Lavorare a 16 anni : teenagers working [en]

[en] One thing that surprises, especially during summer, is to see kids working everywhere. Cafe ‘, retails, tourism, supermarkets, fairs, pr, etc. I spoke with a 16 years oldCanadian girl, who currently works part-time in a bakery close to home, to understand a little ‘more’ about this phenomenon. She says it’s quite common for teenagers … Continue reading »

mangiare la Coda di Castoro! [en]

Vi avverto, questa e’ una maialata. Mi piacerebbe dilungarmi sulle paste Canadesi, che hanno una passione sfrenata per i dolci, ma questa invenzione le batte tutte. La Bever Tail. Che non e’ una vera coda di Castoro, ma ne ha la forma. Pastafrolla fritta (non tipo bombolone, molto piu’ fritta e solida) con sopra una … Continue reading »

Cosa significa essere Canadese : What does it mean to be Canadian? [en]

[en] With my friend Merchedes I addressed several matters. As for starter, her thoughts on what does means to be Canadian. I made a list: -Fortunate in having so much nature close to the city -Modern and rich Country -Diversity and general acceptance of different cultures -Being able to start suddenly a conversation with people … Continue reading »

Getting ready for Halloween: Prepararsi per Halloween [en]

[en] Halloween is not only something about dressing up (not necessarily as some horror/fantasy kind of character) one night of the year, going trick or treating if you’re a kid, or going to mark parties as an adult, but it’s also about hosting these kids and parties!  Many seasonal stores, or also used cloth/dollar stores … Continue reading »