[en] This activity takes place mainly in October. We are racing at work, at home, organized picnics, school etc ….. I mean, it ‘s time to take those pumpkins and carve them! Usually it is organized as a team and the results are often surprising.This year especially, pumpkin harves went exceptionally well, indeed it’s possible … Continue reading
Autumn leaves: i colori dell’autunno [en]
[en] well, there is no much to say, perhaps there’s to see. It’s all about the wonderful colors that start to hue every tree, every ground, either in the country up to the hearth of downtown, patches of red, orange and yellow that burn the green before the coming of winter. The air is getting … Continue reading
Thanksgiving: il giorno del Ringraziamento [en]
[en] Often seen in the television series, in autumn there ‘s always the Thanksgiving episode. Families gather together, similarly to Christmas day, to make a lunch-dinner in the middle of the afternoon, where the roasted turkey is main course. In Canada it is celebrated a month earlier than in America, on the second Monday of … Continue reading
Pane e torta di Zucca: Pumpkin pie … and bread! [en]
[en] Finally Autumn starts for real. Not that summer here sucks, but October is one of the most interesting months to experience in Canada. Today I’ll talk about how pumpkins become really special over here. You see them everywhere, like decorations shop windows, or products in supermarkets, as it recall a number of traditions. Indeed, … Continue reading
raccogliere le Mele: Apple picking! [en]
[en] One of the activities at the beginning of the autumn season is to go and pick apples, and in the absence of these, you can’ always pick raspberries, autumn strawberries, sunflower seeds, peppers and pumpkins! Of course, the availability change from year to year, as the harvest varies on the weather that we have … Continue reading
Accoglienza nelle chiese : welcoming new faces [en]
[en] Welcome in churches (Monica goes on from the previus post “Help the tourists lost“) We went on a Sunday morning to attend the mass in a church in the vicinity ‘of downtown Toronto. At the end, withouth knowing us, the parisher invited us to join them for a breakfast together, in exchange for a … Continue reading
Aiutare i turisti smarriti : Help lost turists [en]
[en] (Jacopo) When I was on vacation with my family in Canada, every time we had a map in hand, without us asking anything to anyone, the Canadian local people approached us. They asked us if we needed help, and gave us with calm all directions to get to the destination. One day, while visiting … Continue reading
Inuksuk e sassi in equilibrio [en]
Quando si approccia una costa sul mare o su un lago Canadese, e questa costa e’ ricca di sassi, immancabilmente si trovano costruzioni artistiche di sassi impilati in maniera curiosa, quasi a sfidare le leggi della fisica che tutto si direbbe a parte rimanere in piedi in quel modo. A volte si trovano dalla sera … Continue reading
Cabane à sucre: il ristorante dello sciroppo [en]
[en] Cabane à sucre, or Sugar Shack, is a tradition that mainly concerns the province of Quebec, a kind of festival of maple syrup harvest that occurs at the end of the snow season, between March and April. I knew that the maple is an important tree in Canada, might be the leaf in the … Continue reading
Snow Tubing: l’aquafun sulla neve! [en]
Non sono una montanara, dunque qualsiasi cosa si faccia con colline e neve per me sono delle rivelazioni! a pochi Km a nord di Toronto (ma non solo) ci sono delle colline che in inverno sono adibite a Snow Tubing, ovvero, monti su delle ciambelle giganti gonfiate ad aria, e ti butti giu per la … Continue reading